Imagine a collection of beautiful books with the talks of our Divine Mother made with illustrations created by yogis from all over the world.
Imagine opening this book full of truth and art; we can all make it real!
Our dear Mother mentioned that Her Divine Talks should be printed and stored in libraries on all the five continents.
Thus the name of the project:
“Nirmala Vidya Collections”
To begin with...

With the help of more then 100 yogis from around the world we have printed the first collection of talks for the Shri Ganesha Pujas and the book has been presented to Shri Mataji at the Shri Ganesha Puja in Cabella on the 16 of September 2023.
The first edition of the book has been donated to the library in the Palazzo Doria in Cabella and will be stored in a room specially designed to host the collections Shri Mataji’s talks for all yogis around the world to read.
At this link you can find the list of sahaj artists that have contributed their art work to the Shri Ganesha Book.
Subsequently if yogis around the world would also want copies of each book collection, we can organise copies to be printed at more convenient prices, but still of high quality, emphasising the greatness and richness of Shri Mataji’s talks.

Our next project...
Guru Puja talks collection

Our desire for the next book project is to print all of Shri Mataji's talks on Guru puja talks, and for that, the team that succesfully collaborated for the creation of the Shri Ganesha Book will contact again all the sahaja yogis around the world to help create this book and offer it to Shri Mataji for the Guru Puja in 2024.
Please explore our website more to see how you can help and do contact us for more informations.
How can you help?
In order to make each speech collection a masterpiece we invite all the sahaj artists from around the world to contribute with border decorations, illuminated letters and paintings (either in the style of Indian miniature painting or various either styles), using the examples from this website.
Many sahaj artists are very familiar with this type of artistic decorations and with this project we aim to bring together their contributions so that this project becomes truly a collective sahaj project.
“..if they had read some books of
enlightened people like Kabir, like Nanak, even Gnostics, their scriptures, anything like that,
they would have understood what is the truth and where to find it and how to find it.”
“Sahaja Yoga is lacking in books. We will have to write books in each
language. Also, Sahaja Yogis should go to different cities and give lectures. Many
people send their poems to me. We should collect all these. Similarly my letters can
also be printed. Such publicity is necessary.”
Your mother
“But I think it will be a better idea that the people who are fond of my lectures also we
can say that this lectures are available on a tape or we can make some little little books.